Sponsorship opportunities: Asia Pacific Forum on Mathematics for Industries.
In November the Asia Pacific Forum "Forum of Mathematics for Industry" will be held in Australia for only the second time. Previous forums have been held in Vietnam, New Zealand, Hawaii USA and Japan. Participants from across these nations as well as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India and the Netherlands will be gathering in Melbourne for the Forum –exploring the role of mathematics in public health and sustainability. This affords sponsors an opportunity to advertise their wares among a broad Asia-Pacific audience.
Registration costs have been kept to a minimum to enable broad participation from across the Asia Pacific region. Our low-cost sponsorship opportunities will be used to support workshop activities, including catering to promote networking throughout the Forum.
The following sponsorship levels are available – however we are also interested to tailor a package to best suit your goals. We hope to see your involvement in the Forum.
Major Sponsor ($1500): Our major sponsors will be recognised with
• Company logo and web URL on the front page of our programme booklet, provided to all attendees as well as online through our website.
• Brochures or material displayed next to the registration desk.
• Ability to erect your banner in the main lecture room throughout the programme.
Four free registrations for both the Forum and the preceding conference, "Statistics and Mathematical Modelling in Combination".
Sponsor of conference dinner ($1000): Our dinner sponsors will be recognised with
• Your company logo on one internal page of the programme.
• Opportunity to speak briefly at the conference dinner, for example as a welcome
• Three free tickets to the Forum dinner or the preceding Conference dinner
Sponsor of C. J. Eliezer Memorial Lecture ($800): Sponsors of the Memorial Lecture will be recognised with:
• Your company logo and URL on the Monday page of the forum programme.
• Opportunity to welcome guests from the podium of the Monday evening lecture
• One free ticket to the VIP dinner held after the lecture.
• One free registration for the Forum and for the preceding conference, "Statistics and Mathematical Modelling in Combination".
Sponsor of refreshments for one day ($500): Our networking sponsors will be recognised with:
• Your logo and web URL on one internal page of the programme.
• One free registration for the Forum and for the preceding conference, "Statistics and Mathematical Modelling in Combination".
To discuss these sponsorship opportunities, or to tailor an sponsorship package in line with your goals, please contact Prof Phil Broadbridge (Forum Director) at P.Broadbridge(at)latrobe.edu.au or Diana Heatherich (Forum organising committee) at D.Heatherich(at)latrobe.edu.au