[Report] Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2017
[Report] Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2017
Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2017
Responding to the Challenges of Climate Change: Exploiting, Harnessing and Enhancing the Opportunities of Clean Energy
Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2017 was held in the East-West Center, the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, as the memorial 10th Forum, and as the 3rd organized by the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (APCMfI), during October 23-26, 2017. The theme was focused on “Clean Energy”, which is a globally important issue and is extensively studied in Hawai’i. In 2008, Hawai’i launched the Clean Energy Initiative which aims to get 70 percent of its electricity and ground transportation needs from clean sources by the year 2030, and targets a 100 percent by 2045. The University of Hawai’i has Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, which conducts research of state and national importance to develop, test and evaluate novel renewable energy technologies. With such backgrounds, in the Forum we had 23 talks on energy or global environmental issues and related mathematics, 23 poster presentations by young researchers, together with lively discussions. Other than quite a few participants from Hawai’i and the US mainland, we had 31 Japanese participants from Kyushu University and National Institute for Environmental Studies, including 15 graduate students. We also had participants from Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, China, Korea, Canada, Chile, summing up to 84 in total, so that we could have very active international academic interactions. On Wednesday, we also had a bus excursion to Dole Plantation and Waimea Valley to enjoy swimming in the waterfall. On Thursday, the best and 4 excellent poster prizes were awarded, 4 from Japan and 1 from Hawai’i: the Hawai’i awardee will be invited to Kyushu University in February 2018 in order to have academic exchange with Kyushu University people.
For details, please visit Forum "Math-for-Industry"2017.
The Forum “Math-for-Industry” 2018 will be held in November 2018, in Fudan University, China, focusing on Finance, Economy, and Big Data. Do not hesitate to come and join us!
Osamu Saeki (Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University)