The special IMI Colloquium in March
Date: Wednesday, 13 March 2019 16:45 - 17:45
Place: IMI Auditorium (W1-D-413) (4F, West Zone 1, Kyushu University)
Speaker: Prof. Makoto OHSAKI (Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Kyoto University)
Title: Various Geometrical Problems in Architectural Structures
Following geometrical problems in the field of analysis and design of architectural structures are presented:
- Minimization of number of types of planar panels to approximate complex curved surfaces with specified accuracy of surface.
- Approximation of a complex curved surface connecting developable surfaces that can be generated by bending a plane, and maximization of mechanical property while maintaining constructability of a roof structure.
- Investigation of large-deformation property of a frame mechanism for retractable structure based on series expansion method and group-theoretic approach.
- Shape optimization of rigid-foldable origami for design of a retractable structure to approximate a curved surface.
- Design of membrane structure in self-equilibrium state with in-plane forces using developable surface and minimal surface, and investigation of relation between in-plane strains and curvature of surface.
- Elastica model for curved latticed grid under self-equilibrium state with bending deformation.
bending deformation.