The IMI Colloquium on May
Date: Wednesday, 8 May 2019 16:45-17:45
Place: IMI Auditorium (W1-D-413) (4F, West Zone 1, Kyushu University)
Speaker: Prof. Takeshi HATANAKA (Osaka University)
Title: Network Systems and Passivity: From Networked Robotics to Cyber-Physical Systems
Abstract :
Passivity is an input–output property of dynamical systems, which generalizes physical systems that cannot store more energy than the energy supplied from outside the system. It has been one of the most physically appealing concepts in systems and control theory. Due to the composable property inherent in passive systems, this concept has been actively studied in control of network systems during the last decade. This talk is intended to review a series of our work related to the passivity. In the former half, we start with general results on passivity-based output synchronization, and the foundations presented therein are then shown to play a key role in achieving motion coordination for a network of robots. The latter half presents several extensions of the above results including human-swarm-interactions, multi-agent optimization and constructive CPS (Cyber-Physical System) design with applications to visual human localization, energy management for connected buildings, and transportation systems.
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