La Trobe-Kyushu Joint Seminar on Mathematics for Industry
2022-08-09 12:00~2022-08-09 13:00 (JST)
Towards Constructing Fully Homomorphic Encryption without Ciphertext Noise from Group Theory
Date: 2022.08.09 12:00 - 2022.08.09 13:00
Place: Live-streaming by Zoom
Speaker: Koji Nuida (Kyushu University)
In cryptography, fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a special kind of encryption scheme where anyone can perform arbitrary operation on encrypted data without decrypting them. Since the first construction of FHE scheme by Gentry in 2009, all the known "successful" constructions of FHE are based on ciphertexts with noise, which leads to inefficiency for refreshing noisy ciphertexts into ones with less noise. In this talk, I will explain my recent trial to develop FHE schemes without ciphertext noise based on group theory.