Event info

Additional IMI Colloquium in January 2025

Wednesday, 15 January 2025 16:45-17:45 seminars

Date: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 16:45-17:45 (JST)

Place: IMI Auditorium(W1-D-413) and Live streaming with Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Martin Kružík (Head of the Department of Decision-making Theory at the Institute of Information, Theory and Automation, the Czech Academy of Sciences / Profesor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague)

Title: Non-interpenetration of Matter in Lower-Dimensional Structures

Non-interpenetration of matter is a well-known challenge for solid elastic materials combining analytical and geometrical aspects. In the bulk model, at least on the conceptual level, non-interpenetration is quite understood even if many challenges still remain open. In lower-dimensional structures (plates, rods), the situation seems to be even less clear. Focusing on rods in the plane, we will introduce a possible concept of non-interpenetration and show a density and $\Gamma$-limit result.
This is a joint work with B.~Bene\v{s}ov\'{a}, D.~Campbell, and S.~Hencl (all from Prague).

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