Event info

Joint Research Projects of the academic year 2015, IMI, Kyushu University


Joint Research Projects of the academic year 2015

IMI advertised for applications to the Joint Research Projects of the academic year 2015 from 2015.4.1 to 2016.3.31.  The proposals were reviewed in the IMI Joint Research Steering Committee, and the following proposals were adopted. Deatails will be updated frequently.

Workshop Ⅰ (2)

Title: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications
Organizer: Masato Kimura (Kanazawa University)
Scheduled Date: 2015.11.16 (Mon) - 2015.11.18 (Wed)

Title: Mathematical Progress in Expressive Synthesis - Interaction and Creation -
Organizer: Yoshinori Dobashi (Hokkaido University)
Scheduled Date: 2015.9.25 (Fri) - 2015.9.27 (Sun)

Workshop II (2)

Title: Mathematical Backgrounds and Future Progress of Practical Inverse Problems
Organizer: Hiroshi Fujiwara (Kyoto University)
Scheduled Date: 2015.12.15 (Tue) - 2015.12.18 (Fri)

Next-generation Cryptography for Privacy Protection and Decentralized
Control and Mathematical Structures to Support Techniques
Organizer: Hiroaki Anada (Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies)
Scheduled Date: 2015.9.1 (Tue) - 2015.9.3 (Thu)

Short-term Joint Research (4)

Title: Research of Engine Calibration from the Viewpoint of Mathematical Science
Organizer: Masahiro Sato (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
Scheduled Date: 2015.6.17 (Wed) - 2015.6.18 (Thu) and 2015.11.19 (Thu) - 2015.11.20 (Fri)

Title: Simulated Annealing for ising model
Organizer: Takuya Ohwa (National Institute of Informatics)
Scheduled Date: 2015.7.30 (Thu) - 2015.8.3 (Mon)

Title: Development of the implementation techniques of maximum flow algorithms for large-scale graphs
Organizer: Atsushi Takizawa (The University of Electro-Communications)
Scheduled Date: 2015.6.8 (Mon) - 2015.6.12 (Fri)

Title: Mathematics and Implementation of Computer Graphics Techniques 2015
Organizer: Makoto Okabe (Osaka City University)
Scheduled Date: 2015.7.25 (Sat) - 2015.7.26 (Sun) and 2015.9.26 (Sat) - 2015.9.27 (Sun)

Short-term Visiting Researcher (4)

Mathematical models based on regime-switching diffusion processes for
transport phenomena occurring in surface water networks: Theory and real
Organizer: Hidekazu Yoshioka (Shimane University)
Scheduled Date: 2015.7.27 (Mon) - 2015.7.31 (Fri) and 2015.8.28 (Fri) - 2015.9.2 (Fri)

Title: Mathematical and Numerical study on shape optimization for fluid dynamics
Organizer: Takashi Nakazawa (Tohoku University)
Scheduled Date: 2015.6.5 (Fri) - 2015.6.19 (Fri)

Title: Generalization of log-aesthetic curves from the similarity geometry
Organizer: Yasuhiro Shimizu (UEL Corporation)
Scheduled Date: 2015.10.11 (Sun) - 2015.10.24(Sat)

Title: Optimal museum problem
Organizer: Jun O'Hara (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Scheduled Date: 2015.6.29 (Mon) - 2015.7.3 (Fri)

The title and the period of the Joint Research Projects are subject to change.

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