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  • IMI Workshop--CoMFoS15: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications

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IMI Workshop--CoMFoS15: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications

Nov.16, 2015 - Nov. 18, 2015 conf

IMI Workshop--15th International Conference

CoMFoS15: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications

Continuum mechanics, Fracture mechanics, Mathematical modeling, Industrial applications

Aim and Scope:
CoMFoS15 is a three-day international conference on mathematical aspects of continuum mechanics of solids with participants with diverse backgrounds from mathematics, physics, engineering, and industry. The conference consists of various kinds of lectures including special lectures by keynote speakers. We focus on mathematical theory and numerical simulations related to fracture mechanics, elasticity, plasticity, scattering, inverse problems, optimal shape design, etc. These problems play an important role in engineering and industry, and further development of mathematical understanding for them is needed to make possible future applications.

Expected Outcome:
Each lecture is followed by ample discussion time to provide space for an inspiring research debate among the participants on the above topics. We expect the discussion to focus in particular on finding new mathematical research directions in continuum mechanics based on the engineering viewpoint and industrial requirements, and investigating future engineering and industrial applications inspired by the theoretical results presented by mathematicians and theoretical engineers at the conference.

History of CoMFoS and MACM:
The conference series “CoMFoS” was started in 1995 and then had been organized by the Activity Group of JSIAM “Continuum Mechanics Focusing on Singularities (CoMFoS)” since 2005. The activity group was renamed “Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics (MACM)” in April 2010. It started as a research community of applied mathematicians and engineers working mainly on solid continuum mechanics and fracture mechanics. At present, it gathers not only mathematicians and engineers but also researchers in physics and industry who discuss mathematical aspects of continuum mechanics related to wider topics such as

    fracture and damage mechanics,
    elasticity and plasticity,
    optimal shape design,
    scattering and inverse problems,
    visco-elastic materials,
    particle methods,
    free boundary problems, etc.


November 16(Mon)
9:25 - 9:30  Yasuhide Fukumoto (Director of IMI)
Opening address
9:30 - 10:30  Mitsuteru Asai (Kyushu University)
Multi-scale and -physics particle simulation for tsunami disaster mitigation
10:30 - 11:00  Yasuhide Fukumoto (Kyushu University)
The contribution of Kawada to the analytical solution for the velocity induced by a helical vortex filament and modern applications of helical vortices
11:00 - 11:10  Coffee Break
11:10 - 12:10  Kentaro Emoto (Tohoku University)
Synthesis of seismic wave envelopes based on the Markov approximation
12:10 - 12:40  Shiro Hirano (Ritsumeikan University)
Propagation velocity of pulse-like rupture along earthquake fault
12:40 - 14:00  Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:00  Josef Malek (Charles University)
On elastic solids with limiting small strain: modelling and analysis I
15:00 - 15:30  Takeshi Takaishi (Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University)
Applications of the phasefield crack growth model
15:30 - 16:00  Hirotada Honda (NTT Network Technology Laboratories)
Mathematical analysis of synchronization from the perspective of network science
16:00 - 16:10  Coffee Break
16:10 - 17:10  Akira Takada (Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.)
Mathematical modeling of glass materials
17:10 - 18:10  Takeshi Aoyagi (Asahi Kasei Corporation)
Computer simulation of phase separation of polymeric materials for industrial applications
19:00 -  Banquet 1

November 17(Tue)
9:30 - 10:30  Victor A. Kovtunenko (University of Graz)
High-order topological expansions for forward and inverse Helmholtz problems I
10:30 - 11:00  Yoshimi Tanaka (Yokohama National University)
Fracture and adhesive energy of soft materials
11:00 - 11:10  Coffee Break
11:10 - 12:10  Masanori Kikuchi (Tokyo University of Science)
Numerical simulation of Fatigue Fracture and Ductile Fracture Processes using FEMA
12:10 - 12:40  Patrick J.P. van Meurs (Kanazawa University)
Bridging the scales between discrete and continuum dislocation models
12:40 - 14:00  Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:00  Josef Malek (Charles University)
On elastic solids with limiting small strain: modelling and analysis II
15:00 - 16:00  Takanori Ide (AISIN AW Co.,Ltd.)
Highly parallel computation of eigenvalue analysis in acoustic problem for automatic transmission of vehicles using Sakurai-Sugiura method
16:00 - 16:10  Coffee Break
16:10 - 16:40  Yikan Liu (The University of Tokyo)
Hyperbolic-type equations and the related inverse problems for the time cone model
16:40 - 17:10  Katsuhiko Sato (Hokkaido University)
Why does shear banding behave like first-order phase transitions? Derivation of a potential from a mechanical constitutive model
17:10 - 17:40  Thomas G. de Jong (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Modelling fungal hyphae growth: Searching for travelling waves in an extension of the thin viscous sheet equations
17:40 - 18:10  Hisasi Tani (Meiji University)
On Boundary Conditions for Hele-Shaw Problem
19:00 -  Banquet 2

Novenber 18(Wed)
9:30 - 10:30  Hideyuki Azegami (Nagoya University)
Solution of shape optimization program and its application to product design
10:30 - 11:00  Kohji Ohtsuka (Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University)
Shape optimization by GJ-integral: Localization method for composite material
11:00 - 11:10  Coffee Break
11:10 - 11:40  Tadayoshi Matsumori (TOYOTA Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
PDE based filtering techniques for shape optimization
11:40 - 12:40  Victor A. Kovtunenko (University of Graz)
High-order topological expansions for forward and inverse Helmholtz problems II
12:40 - 14:00  Lunch Break
14:00 - 14:30  Masato Kimura (Kanazawa University)
Shape optimization approach by traction method to an inverse free boundary problem
14:30 - 15:00  Vladimir Chalupecky (Fujitsu Ltd.)
Multi-scale simulations of heart electrophysiology and mechanics
15:00 - 15:30  Hirofumi Notsu (Waseda University)
Error estimates of a stabilized Lagrange-Galerkin scheme for an Oseen-type diffusive Peterlin model
15:30 - 16:00  Daisuke Tagami (Kyushu University)
Some investigations into finite element methods for viscoelastic flow problems governed by Oldroyd-B models
16:00 - 16:30  Hiromichi Itou (Tokyo University of Science)
On singularities in 2D linearized elasticity
16:30 - 16:40  Closing

Masato Kimura (Kanazawa University, mkimura (at) se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp)
Hiromichi Itou (Tokyo University of Science, h-itou (at) rs.tus.ac.jp)

Organizing Committee
Vladimir Chalupecky (Fujitsu Ltd.)
Kohji Ohtsuka (Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University)
Daisuke Tagami (Kyushu University)
Akira Takada (Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.)

Supported and organized by The Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University

 Co-organized by Activity Group of JSIAM
 “Mathematical Aspects of Continuum Mechanics (MACM)”

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