La Trobe-Kyushu Joint Seminar on Mathematics for Industry (9)
Nov. 18, 2015
La Trobe-Kyushu Joint Seminar on Mathematics for Industry (9)
Date & Time : Nov. 10, 2015 14:00(Australian time) / 12:00(Japan time)
Venue: IMI Australia Branch in La Trobe University / C512 Middle Lecture Room, IMI, Kyushu University
Title: Singularity Theory and Data Visualization
Speaker: Professor Osamu Saeki
In general, scientific data obtained by a simulation or an experiment can be represented as a discrete set of sample points of a smooth map between manifolds.
In computer science, visualization of such data has long been studied, and it has been clarified that differential topological techniques are essential for such visualization. However, they are encountering various mathematical problems for further development. In this talk, we first survey existing techniques based on Morse theory. Then, we present recently developed visualization techniques based on singular fibers of stable maps and their Stein factorizations.
We also present the reverse direction: in fact, these visualization techniques can also be used for the research of singularity theory as a new tool.