Poster Session

FMfI2023 will host a poster session for graduate students and researchers from all over the world. Poster presentations in any area of Mathematics are invited. In particular, the topics aiming at the future seed of Mathematics for Industry are welcomed.

The deadline has been extended, so please come and join us in the poster session by all means!!
Please apply for the poster session by July 16, 2023 (Sun) @ 23:59JST (UTC+9) from HERE.
If you cannot use the Google Form, please fill in the following Excel form and send it to
FMfI2023 Project Office.

- Qualification for Applicant
Graduate Students (Master, Ph.D.), Postdoctoral Researchers, Researchers. Please contact FMfI Project Office if an undergraduate student (including honours student) is willing to present a poster.

- Preparation by August 10:
1. PDF data of the poster (size A0)
2. Slide data with 2-3 pages for a 2-minute oral presentation

- At the venue of FMfI2023:
1. Post your poster on August 29.
2. Give a short oral presentation with slides (2 min.) + Q&A
3. Further poster Q&A in front of your poster.

- Poster Awards to Students:
The Best and Excellent Poster Awards will be given to the students who gave high quality poster presentations. Selection will be made by the Council Members of the APCMfI, the Organizing Committee Members and the Local Organizing Committee Members.

- Registration fee:
FMfI2023 Poster presenters will become APCMfI members automatically for free until March 2024, and participate in FMfI2023 for free.

- You need to be on-site for your presentation on August 31—no online participation.
- Please print your poster in advance and bring it to the presentation site on August 29.
- Maximum number of poster presentations is 30 (screening for more than 30 applications)
- There are no fixed requirements for font style or format. However, we recommend presenters consult sample posters on the website: HERE.
- For more information about this forum, click here.

FMfI2023 Poster Session Schedule:

1. Application Due Date: July 16, 2023 (Sun) @ 23:59JST (UTC+9)
If you plan to apply for the Poster Session, please submit your application from Google Form -1 above. - Submit the title and abstract of your poster presentation together with your name and affiliation.
2. Poster Submission Due Date: August 10, 2023 (Thu) @ 23:59JST
Please submit your poster PDF to Google Form-2.
Follow the instruction in the screening result notification email.
3. August 25 Submit your slide PDF data to Google Form-3.
Follow the instruction in the screening result notification email.
4. August 29 – September 1, 2023, FMfI2023 @ Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
5. August 29 A.M. Bring and display your poster at the venue.
6. August 31 P.M. Poster Session Presentation + Q&A
7. September 1 P.M. Poster Session Award in Closing Ceremony


FMfI2023 Project Office:
Please contact us with any questions.

Forum "Math-for-Industry" (FMfI) 2023 sponsored and hosted by
Asia Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (APCMfI)
Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University

FMfI2023: August 29 - September 1, 2023
Venue: Kyushu University Nishijin Plaza
(2-16-23 Nishijin, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka 814-0002)