Forum Mathematics-for-Industry 2016 (FMfI2016)
November 21 - November 23, 2016
Forum Mathematics-for-Industry 2016 (FMfI2016) at QUT November 21-23, 2016
The Forum Mathematics-for-Industry (FMfI), initially an initiative of the Institute of Mathematics-for-Industry (IMI), Kyushu University, has evolved to become an initiative of the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Mathematics-for-Industry (APCMfI) . Further information is available using the links,
Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University
The Asia Pacific Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (APCMfI)
Forum Mathematics-for-Industry 2015 (FMfI2015)
The first FMfI outside of Japan will be held at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) on Monday-Wednesday, November 21-23, 2016. The theme for this Forum is ''Biology Agriculture Environment’’. For a copy of the Synopsis, click the "Synopsis" at the bottom of this page.
An important event in the Forum is the student poster session, for which international and Australian student participation is most welcome.
Information about the Springer Proceedings of earlier Forums can be obtained using the link below,
Applications + Practical Conceptualization + Mathematics = fruitful Innovation
Proceedings of the Forum of Mathematics for Industry 2014
The Impact of Applications on Mathematics
Proceedings of the Forum of Mathematics for Industry 2013